Main Goal:
On the basis of the existing regulatory framework, Türkiye introduces an MRV system that provides a reliable and robust source of data to identify GHG emissions, and thereby creates a solid foundation for future mitigation measures.
Nine specific project objectives have been identified:
- The Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change of the Republic of Türkiye collects information on and manages GHG emissions using a data management system.
- Sector-specific MRV guidelines for emissions-producing branches of industry and additional legal frameworks for MRV are implemented.
- Relevant actors take responsibility for the sectoral MRV system processes.
- Contributions are made to policies on GHG mitigation measures, such as emissions trading systems.
- Dissemination of experience on developing an MRV system to other countries.
- MRV prerequisites are established for one additional sector (aviation) in a technical sense as well as with regard to the capacities of involved actors.
- Turkish MRV actors fulfill EU ETS requirements.
- Development of benchmarks for potential ETS sectors.
- Expansion of the MRV system for the implementation of an ETS based on grandfathering with measures for capacity development